Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10  

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    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10

    How to Fix 'The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded.' Error in Windows 10
    Published by
    26 Apr 2022
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Fix "The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded." Error in Windows 10

    A user profile is a collection of settings that make the computer look and work the way you want it to for a user account. It is stored in the user's C:\Users\<user name> profile folder, and contains the account's settings for desktop backgrounds, screen savers, pointer preferences, sound settings, and other features. User profiles ensure that your personal preferences are used whenever you sign in to Windows.

    A user's profile folder also contains their personal folders such as the 3D Objects, Contacts, Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Favorites, Links, Music, OneDrive, Pictures, Saved Games, Searches, and Videos folders.

    If a user gets the The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded. error message when trying to sign in to the account, the profile may be corrupted or the profile path is not correct in the registry for the account.

    This tutorial will show you how to fix the "The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded." error message for an account's corrupted profile in Windows 10 and Windows 11.

    You must be signed in as an administrator to be fix the corrupted profile of an account on the computer.


    • Option One: Attempt to Repair Profile for Account with "The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded."
    • Option Two: Create New Profile for Account with "The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded."

    EXAMPLE: "The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded." error at sign-in
    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-.png


    Attempt to Repair Profile for Account with "The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded."

    1 Sign in to an administrator account not affected by this corrupted profile issue.

    If you do not have an administrator account available to sign in to, then you could boot into safe mode, enable the built-in Administrator system account, sign out, and sign in to the Administrator account to use.

    It is recommended to create a system image or create a restore point before continuing the steps below. This way you can do a quick system restore using this restore point if needed to undo any mistakes made in the steps.

    2 Open a command prompt.

    3 Copy and paste the wmic useraccount get domain,name,sid command into the command prompt, and press Enter. Make note of the SID (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003) for the account name (ex: "Brink-test") with the corrupted profile. (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-sid.png

    4 Press the Win + R keys to open Run, type regedit into Run, and click/tap on OK to open Registry Editor.

    5 If prompted by UAC, click/tap on Yes. (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-uac.png

    6 Navigate to the ProfileList key location below in the left pane of Registry Editor. (see screenshot below)

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-1.png

    7 Do step 8 (SID without .bak), step 9 (SID with .bak), or step 10 (SID with and without .bak) below depending on if the SID key (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003) from step 3 has instances (ex: "S-1-5-21-....-1003" and/or "S-1-5-21-....-1003.bak") with or without .bak at the end.

    8 If you only have one SID key without .bak at the end

    A) In the left pane under the expanded ProfileList key, look for and select the SID key (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003) from step 3, and go to step 11 below. (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-1.png

    9 If you only have one SID key with .bak at the end

    A) In the left pane under the expanded ProfileList key, look for and select the SID key (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003.bak) from step 3. (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-2.png

    B) Right click on the SID key (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003.bak), click/tap on Rename, and rename the SID key to only remove ".bak" (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003) at the end of the key's name, and go to step 11 below. (see screenshots below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-3c.png Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-1.png

    10 If you have two or more instances of the same SID key with and without .bak at the end

    A) In the left pane under the expanded ProfileList key, look for the SID keys (ex: "S-1-5-21-....-1003" and "S-1-5-21-....-1003.bak") from step 3. (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-3.png

    B) Right click on the SID key (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003) without .bak at the end, and click/tap on Delete. (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-3b.png

    C) Click/tap on Yes to confirm. (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-confirm_delete_key.png

    D) Right click on the SID key (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003.bak) with .bak at the end, click/tap on Rename, and rename the SID key to only remove ".bak" (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003) at the end of the key's name, and go to step 11 below. (see screenshots below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-3c.png Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-1.png

    11 In the right pane of the SID key (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003), check to make sure the ProfileImagePath value has the correct full path of the profile folder (ex: "C:\Users\Brink-test") for the account name (ex: "Brink-test") with the corrupted profile. (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-4.png

    You can see the name of user profile folders in the C:\Users folder. Usually the user profile folder will have the same name as the account name.
    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_folder_name.png

    If the full path of the profile folder (ex: "C:\Users\Brink-test") is not correct, then:

    1) Double click/tap on the ProfileImagePath value to modify it.
    2) Enter the correct full path, and click/tap on OK.
    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-5.png

    12 In the right pane of the SID key (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003), check to make sure the State DWORD value is set with a value data of 0 (number zero). (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-6.png

    If the State DWORD is not set to 0, then:

    1) Double click/tap on the State DWORD value to modify it.
    2) Change the value data to 0 (number zero), and click/tap on OK.
    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-7.png

    13 In the right pane of the SID key (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003), check to make sure the RefCount DWORD value is set with a value data of 0 (number zero). (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-8.png

    If you do not have a RefCount DWORD, then right click on an empty area in the right pane of the SID key (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003), click/tap on New, click/tap on DWORD (32-bit) Value, type RefCount for the name of the value, and press Enter.

    If the RefCount DWORD is not set to 0, then:

    1) Double click/tap on the RefCount DWORD value to modify it.
    2) Change the value data to 0 (number zero), and click/tap on OK.
    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_service_service_failed_the_sign-9.png

    14 Close the command prompt and Registry Editor.

    15 Restart the computer.

    16 See if you are now able to successfully Sign in to the account (ex: "Brink-test") with the corrupted profile. (see screenshot below)

    If you are still get the "User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded." error, then you can try:

    A) Do a system restore at boot using a restore point dated before you got this error.


    B) Restore a system image you previously created before you got this error.


    C) Do Option Two below to create a new default profile for this account to use instead.

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-sign-.jpg


    Create New Profile for Account with "The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded."

    This option is to be used when Option One did not help to fix the corrupted profile to allow you to sign in to the account again.

    This option will replace the profile of the account with a new default profile to use instead. This will not delete the user account.

    1 Sign in to an administrator account not affected by this corrupted profile issue.

    If you do not have an administrator account available to sign in to, then you could boot into safe mode, enable the built-in Administrator system account, sign out, and sign in to the Administrator account to use.

    It is recommended to create a system image or create a restore point before continuing the steps below. This way you can do a quick system restore using this restore point if needed to undo any mistakes made in the steps.

    2 Open a command prompt.

    3 Copy and paste the wmic useraccount get domain,name,sid command into the command prompt, and press Enter. Make note of the SID (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003) for the account name (ex: "Brink-test") with the corrupted profile. (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-sid.png

    4 Press the Win + R keys to open Run, type regedit into Run, and click/tap on OK to open Registry Editor.

    5 If prompted by UAC, click/tap on Yes. (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-uac.png

    6 Navigate to the SID key (ex: S-1-5-21-....-1003) from step 3 in the ProfileList key location below in the left pane of Registry Editor. (see screenshots below step 7)

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\<SID>

    7 Delete any instance (ex: "S-1-5-21-....-1003" and/or "S-1-5-21-....-1003.bak") of this SID key (ex: "S-1-5-21-....-1003") from step 3 with and/or without .bak one at a time. (see screenshots below)

    Do not delete any SID key (ex: "S-1-5-21-....-1002") other than instances of the SID key (ex: "S-1-5-21-....-1003") from step 3.

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-delete_user_profile.png Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-delete_user_profile-2.png

    8 Click/tap on Yes to confirm to delete the SID key. (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-confirm_delete_key.png

    9 When finished, you can close the command prompt and Registry Editor.

    10 Sign in to the account (ex: "Brink-test") with the corrupted profile to create a new default profile for this account (ex: "Brink-test"). (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-sign-.jpg

    11 Turn on or off the privacy settings you want, and click/tap on Accept when finished. (see screenshots below)

    The privacy screen settings are available starting in Windows 10 build 17115 and higher.

    You will be able to change all of these privacy settings at anytime in Windows 10.

    * How to Turn On or Off Online Speech Recognition in Windows 10
    * How to Turn On or Off Location Service in Windows 10
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    * How to Enable or Disable Let Apps use Advertising ID for Relevant Ads in Windows 10]

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-privacy_settings-1.png Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-privacy_settings-2.png

    12 You can now copy and paste any files (ex: pictures, documents, etc...) you wanted to keep from your old profile folder (ex: "C:\Users\Brink-test") to your new current profile folder (ex: "C:\Users\Brink-test_DESKTOP-28KSHRI") for this account (ex: "Brink-test"). (see screenshot below)

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-user_profile_folders.png

    That's it,
    Shawn Brink

  1. Posts : 16,325

    Good one Brink. Thanks.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 69,615
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

      My Computers

  3. Posts : 42
    Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

    None of the registry profiles have a RefCount DWORD, what does this mean? Did Microsoft do away with this? Running 64 bit Pro 1909.

    Fix User Profile Service Failed the Sign-in Error in Windows 10-image.png
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 69,615
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello @ppappas,

    I can't find the reference material from Microsoft for the RefCount DWORD, but it's used in the process to fix the profile. If the DWORD is not there for the affected account, you would just need to add it as outlined in the steps.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 42
    Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

    OK, thanks. Unfortunately, that did not help my situation. Do you think the fact that on this system the major user doc folders (Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures & Videos) being on a 2nd disk drive can cause profile issues? This was done when the system was running Windows 7 and the first SSD I installed was rather small. I used the Windows trick to point all this user data to a secondary HDD.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 69,615
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    ppappas said:
    OK, thanks. Unfortunately, that did not help my situation. Do you think the fact that on this system the major user doc folders (Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures & Videos) being on a 2nd disk drive can cause profile issues? This was done when the system was running Windows 7 and the first SSD I installed was rather small. I used the Windows trick to point all this user data to a secondary HDD.
    There's always a potential of breaking these folders when moving their locations if a mistake was made, but it shouldn't affect the user profile folder unless you moved it as well.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 43,282
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi Shawn, had a moment's panic this morning when this happened to me for the first time ever.

    Fortunately I schedule a system restore point to be created daily, and fortunately it completed successfully. Problem solved. Worth adding using System restore with caveats- naturally depends if user enabled SR and has a restore point and if it completes successfully.

    Regback was disabled by MS- might be worth referring to enabling that as a further protective measure and if enabled, make use of it
    Enable Automatic Backup of System Registry when Restart in Windows 10
    or any other recent registry backup the user might have. E.g. offers scheduled registry backup.

    This appears to offer another approach (first option 3 - backup and copy C:\Users\Default)
    How to fix a Windows (10, 8 or 7) corrupt user profile: The User Profile Service failed the logon | Expert Reviews
    Must admit I don't understand that one.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 69,615
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    dalchina said:
    This appears to offer another approach (first option 3 - backup and copy C:\Users\Default)
    How to fix a Windows (10, 8 or 7) corrupt user profile: The User Profile Service failed the logon | Expert Reviews
    Must admit I don't understand that one.
    I'm not sure about that "C:\Users\Default" method either since it's only the default profile used to create a new profile with. For example, when creating a new account in Windows 10.

    It doesn't replace the profile of existing accounts though unless you delete the profile using something like Option 2 here to have a new profile created for the account.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 46
    Windows 10 pro

    Uh . . . okay, this describes the problem I'm having right now with a rebuilt system . . . but, so far as I can see, the solution doesn't work for me because there is only one log-in account shown and it won't load. I can't get into windows 10 pro at all, it just loops around the error message and redisplaying my account login page. What did I miss in the explanation above?
      My Computer


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