Windows 10 Pro cannot install on New Hard Drive due to License Issue
This is my first post after being with Seven Forums for more years I care to remember!!
Have you come across this before? Windows 10 Pro cannot install on New Hard Drive due to License Issue.
That's how what I read it came across.
Could you comment (and hopefully confirm the positive) that if I remove my existing hard drive with
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (that came pre installed on ASUS N73SV Notebook - year 2011)
And FIT A NEW HARD DRIVE for installing Windows 10 Pro – that it will work without problems?
I intend to buy a Product Key/Digital Licence when I have all my ducks in a row, because I’ve read that the Product Keys are time limited – so I would need everything ready to go before I install Win 10 Pro.
I know I can change over ‘for free’ with my existing Windows 7 – but I want the Pro version of TEN.
I didn’t think this would be a problem, but I’ve read that this can be an issue.
Around a month ago I found on Microsofts own site a Free download of Windows 10 PRO
But unless I’ve ended up elsewhere tonight – it is now only offering just Windows 10 (not Pro).
I’ve read so much on this that I’m starting to confuse myself!
Just one more point. I have already downloaded windows Media Creation Tool
that hopefully this would create an.ISO for a USB Stick.
But reading between the lines, if I use that MS tool it might steer me in the wrong installation I want.
Am I wrong?
If so is there any other way – like just download: Win10_Pro_file.iso
Appreciate any help or advice you can offer.
Many thanks in advance.