Updates do NOT automatically install despite being set to do so

  1. Posts : 27
    Windows 10

    Updates do NOT automatically install despite being set to do so

    I have my settings configured to automatically download and install Windows updates, yet every single day I have to manually check for updates and there are always updates found, which then proceed to be installed. Why is this? By very definition, shouldn't "automatic updates" mean that nothing should be found when manually checking for them? Yet this is a daily occurrence.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 605
    Windows 10

    By default Windows Update only checks for updates roughly every 22 hours, thus if you manually check between the 22 hour intervals you may find updates that weren't available during the last auto check.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 27
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I see. Simple enough. Thanks!
      My Computer


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