Web analytics firms kick off New Year with more suspicious

    Web analytics firms kick off New Year with more suspicious

    Web analytics firms kick off New Year with more suspicious

    Posted: 02 Jan 2015

    Oops, they did it again.

    Yesterday, as is its custom on the first day of the month, the analytics firm Net Applications (aka Net Market Share) published its monthly report on worldwide usage of web browsers and operating systems. Apparently, December 2014 was a time of great transformation, with hundreds of millions of people suddenly changing their computing habits almost literally overnight.
    Here, for example, is what initially appeared on the Desktop Top Browser Share Trend page:
    No, those numbers make no sense. Netscape Navigator, a product that died more than a decade ago, did not suddenly reappear on 1 in every 12 computers worldwide in an HTTP-powered Zombie Apocalypse, nor did several hundred million people suddenly decide to drop Internet Explorer and begin using Chrome.
    Today, that chart has been replaced with this more plausible-looking version:
    labeeman's Avatar Posted By: labeeman
    02 Jan 2015

  1. Posts : 1,557
    W10 32 bit, XUbuntu 18.xx 64 bit

    Does that article take into fact people who can change the user agent manually or use an user agent switcher that could cause an old browsers to show up in statistics.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 372
    Windows 10

    Not surprised to see "Firefox" tanking so badly. Just another example of unbridled arrogance with a team not listening at all to it's users. The result was all too predictable.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,557
    W10 32 bit, XUbuntu 18.xx 64 bit

    Rickkins said:
    Not surprised to see "Firefox" tanking so badly. Just another example of unbridled arrogance with a team not listening at all to it's users. The result was all too predictable.
    I thought the reason Firefox is losing ground because the browser doesn't or didn't work well on small mobile devices. They are still working on that though. They are trying to regain ground. I really hate those mobile devices too small to read and use. That why I never bought a smart phone even prepaid.

    I need things big for me to read or use.

    What gets me is why more people are using Google Chrome with the privacy issues aside from Internet explorer. People didn't use to keep cookies on their hard drive, but people do now thanks to banks. I found a way around that by creating different firefox profiles. I have 3 which includes the default. Those other 2 profiles are using for banking and web based email. The default is use for forums and other things, which I can delete the cookies and other stuff without issues.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,257
    Windows 10 Pro

    groze said:
    Does that article take into fact people who can change the user agent manually or use an user agent switcher that could cause an old browsers to show up in statistics.
    Why would it? The number of people that actually DO that is so miniscule as to be noise...
      My Computer

  5. Lee
    Posts : 4,793
    OS X, Win 10

    Mystere said:
    groze said:
    Does that article take into fact people who can change the user agent manually or use an user agent switcher that could cause an old browsers to show up in statistics.
    Why would it? The number of people that actually DO that is so miniscule as to be noise...
    Had the same though. . .
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,811
    W7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), LM 19.2 MATE (64 bit), W10 Home 1703 (64 bit), W10 Pro 1703 (64 bit) VM

    Fix, Not Add

    Rickkins said:
    Not surprised to see "Firefox" tanking so badly. Just another example of unbridled arrogance with a team not listening at all to it's users. The result was all too predictable.
    Mozilla are wasting their time adding pointless fluff features and making horrible GUI changes.
    They need to fix the broken features/functions like the Bookmarks Manager and the Spell Checker.
    Those two items have been broken for 3 or 4 years now (at least).

    I swapped to Pale Moon ~18 months ago.
    The Bookmarks Manager and the Spell Checker are broken in it too, but at least the GUI isn't.

    groze said:
    I thought the reason Firefox is losing ground because the browser doesn't or didn't work well on small mobile devices.
    The graph is supposed to be showing the Desktop Browser Usage statistics.

    groze said:
    I found a way around that by creating different firefox profiles. I have 3 which includes the default. Those other 2 profiles are using for banking and web based email. The default is use for forums and other things, which I can delete the cookies and other stuff without issues.
    Multiple profiles have pluses and minuses.

    The add-ons have been set up in a stupid fashion.
    Every add-on has to be updated individually in every profile.

    I have multiple profiles (7 in Windows and 5 in Linux).
    FF used to struggle because (apparently) I had too many bookmarks for a single profile.

    As an aside, what happened to statistic collecting agencies in 2014?
    There have been complaints about the unemployment stats here in Australia.
    I think there was also a similar issue in the US.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,557
    W10 32 bit, XUbuntu 18.xx 64 bit

    lehnerus2000 said:
    groze said:
    I thought the reason Firefox is losing ground because the browser doesn't or didn't work well on small mobile devices.
    The graph is supposed to be showing the Desktop Browser Usage statistics.
    How come I.E./Google chrome are showing an increase in usage if there is really a decline in desktop usage? I wonder if they are also including laptops or anything that acts like a PC in the statistics. A lot of articles claim the desktop PC is going out.

    Here is a snip from wikipedia. Desktop computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A desktop computer is a personal computer in a form intended for regular use at a single location desk/table due to its size and power requirements, as opposed to a laptop whose rechargeable battery and compact dimensions allow it to be regularly carried and used in different locations. The most common configuration is a computer monitor, keyboard and mouse, and a case that houses the main components of the PC, namely the power supply, motherboard, hard drive, optical drive, and previously the floppy drive. The form factor of the case is typically an upright tower or (horizontal) desktop. All-in-one computers, that integrate the monitor and main PC components in one unit, are often categorized under the desktop computer umbrella, particularly if they require an external power source and separate keyboard/mouse. The desktop category has also encompassed home computers and workstations.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 93

    Rickkins said:
    unbridled arrogance with a team not listening at all to it's users
    You sure you're not talking about Windows phones and the WinRT development team?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,811
    W7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), LM 19.2 MATE (64 bit), W10 Home 1703 (64 bit), W10 Pro 1703 (64 bit) VM

    groze said:
    lehnerus2000 said:
    The graph is supposed to be showing the Desktop Browser Usage statistics.
    How come I.E./Google chrome are showing an increase in usage if there is really a decline in desktop usage? I wonder if they are also including laptops or anything that acts like a PC in the statistics. A lot of articles claim the desktop PC is going out.
    I'm not sure if laptops are included in the Desktop category.
    IE and Chrome could show an increased share of the category, even if total desktop PC numbers drop.

    They have separate charts for Mobile OS Browser Usage.
      My Computer


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