cant wait should be very good
MoreWork on Windows 10 advances at a really good pace, and it appears that Microsoft is so pleased with how things are going for the new operating system that it’s already making the necessary plans for a press event that’s expected to bring us the first Consumer Preview version.
Very little is known at this point, but The Verge writes that Microsoft wants to hold its very own event in late January in order to present the new Windows 10 Consumer Preview and describe the new features available to consumers.
Download links could be revealed soon after that, and depending on the date of this new event, users looking to give the new OS a try might have to wait until early February to get the public preview.
Except ... MS has already said that they are releasing no more Win10 TP builds the rest of the year.I do hope MS releases some updates in December to start fixing some of the bugs.
I think we all have good stable systems running right now. So what's the rush. I'd rather have a perfect Windows 10 than a buggy one. It takes little to destroy an OS - remember Vista that died on the drivers.
We had a stable system with the first release of Win 10 TP. It's been down hill since than. I'm in no hurry for the final release. I do feel that MS should start fixing some of the problems that was introduced in the last to builds before adding more features.