version #1909

This is a laptop showing two user accounts, one of them is listed as being an Administrator, the other is just listed as a Microsoft Acct. However if the pc is off and you turn it on there is only one acct listed to sign in. One acct is my wife's (and her email), the other is mine (and my email). This is my old computer. When I got my new one, I did a factory reset (or whatever it's called) and then set it up for my wife because her's was in bad shape and running Vista. She turns a pc on about 3 times a year for about .75 hours total, that's why I didn't get her a new one at the time. So I'm wondering if my acct. did not get erased, but isn't showing up on the sign in page, even though it's listed everywhere else. I started using this one again a couple weeks ago, because my son broke the screen on my laptop, he closed the lid to move it, with my ear buds laying on the keyboard, apparently the power surge also fried the motherboard. When I started using this pc again, all I did was sign into my Chrome account beside hers, otherwise I"ve been working off her account and an external HDD I use as a secondary backup system, I also use OneDrive, and Google Drive, plus the built in backup program.

The error msg say I won't be able to sign in until corrected (I don't remember exactly what it said but it was something like this), this is like the 4th time it has popped up in the notification area. when it does I click it. I'm then taken to the "Shared Experiences" settings page, All accounts Are Working Properly. But out of caution, I scroll down and check everything, no problems.

I then go to Settings>Home>Accounts>Sync Your Settings, and I get a red message that says "Your passwords will not sync until you verify your identity. But it doesn't say which acct. the problem is on, nor can I find a link to a settings page where my identity can be verified. I don't know if these error msg's are related or not, but that's what I've found.

I did get my wife a new pc for Christmas tomorrow, because she just couldn't be happy until she got one, even though she will never use it. So once she gets it, I will do another factory reset on this to remove her account so I can use this one full time, until I can afford another new one. But I'm afraid it won't delete the account information, then the problem will only get worse.