All of the ISOs I've created have been from W10TP VMs (VMware Player on a LM17.1 Host).
As far as I can tell they work correctly.
All of the ISOs I've created have been from W10TP VMs (VMware Player on a LM17.1 Host).
As far as I can tell they work correctly.
Seems to be a different story with the latest 100051 build. After the same 0x80004005 error I got from 10041/10049 with a update from 9926, I have no ESD file from after the failure.
Something odd here! It's not like I don't have an ESD but when I convert it, it's build 10049 in the ISO file name. The odd thing is that date/time stamp are from today at the very time I started the update try from 9926. Is it possible that's a mistake or typo??
All these odd things are likely occur because of the 10051 / leaked build you used. I cannot think of anything else right now. I think, if you install a leaked build you are outside of the official "insiders" update channel, or something like that. So weird things could happen, I guess.
This Preview Build came from 9926 fast ring not a leaked source.
Oh! Wait a minute, I had an event yesterday where it did a CHKDSK at boot up. I wonder if it just reset something and just cleared my Preview Build info and caused it to show 10049 as a new build again?? I'll bet that's what happened.
@Kari, in this section of your tut
3.) Select the ISO you want to create, a traditional ISO which contains the install.wim file to install Windows, or an ESD based ISO which instead of install.wim file contains the compressed install.esd to install Windows. Both types can be used the same way to install Windows, both can be used as such, mounted to a virtual drive or burned to Flash or DVD drive.
is it worth a short note that option #1 should be used if you have any intention of doing any DISM work.
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /source:WIM:G:\sources\Install.wim:1 /LimitAccess
It will fail with "source files not found" if using the ESD format, opt#2.
Just a thought.