Android DeBug Bridge

  1. Posts : 226
    Windows 10 Pro

    Android DeBug Bridge

    I installed a program that put this driver on my machine. The program is uninstalled, but left this. I tried >driverquery< in a command prompt and didn't not see anything interesting . It leaves a log in my C:\Temp directory.
    I guess I thought running Android programs on my pc looked interesting. Another way to get malware !!!

    Someone have an idea where I could get this out ?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,161
    Windows 11 Beta channel

    Android Debug Bridge isn't malware, it's a way for you to access your Android device through the command line along with fastboot. If you can find the location where the program installed ADB (usually C:\ or C:\adb) you can manually remove the files. Below is what the adb folder should look like, and all that can be removed/"uninstalled" by sending it to the recycle bin.

    Android DeBug Bridge-untitled.png
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 226
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Thank you, I will check
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2

    How would I remove this from my phone? Someone has installed and took device manager over my phone
      My Computer


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