VC Runtime Libaries install location

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    VC Runtime Libaries install location

    VC Runtime Libaries install location-screenshot-2023-01-29-195744.png

    I know i need VC runtime installed to run some games and whatnot but why in the ***** does Windows throw files into C drive haphazardly this way?!! Are these just installation files that can be deleted or do i need some of them (like and the dll files). I want to clean them up without breaking anything so advice is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,607
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Quesiton has been asked a good number of times:
    Quistion Regarding Microsoft Visual C++
    Do I really need all these versions of MS VC++ 2005-2015 ??
    Are all these ms vis c++ necessary

    Please feel free to look thur the answers there and search for more if you wish. Thanks.

    These will have been installed to support various programs you have installed.
    Therefore if you remove them... those programs won't work.
    Last edited by dalchina; 30 Jan 2023 at 15:19.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 68
    Win10 Home 64-bit, MX-Linux

    It is not Windows creating those files, it's whatever software you installed doing it. And likely yourself, as I've never seen any
    software installing itself by default directly under C:\. Those files would normally be created in the software's own
    installation directory.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 989
    Windows 10 Pro

    Did you run the installer or just extract the files?
      My Computer


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