I successfully installed rEFInd in Windows 10 in my IdeaPad Flex 5. But it won't work in my desktop pc also with Windows 10. Both devices dual-boot with Pop! OS.
I disabled Fast Boot in my desktop just in case to no avail. I believe Secure Boot is also disabled.
I am able to call the UEFI menu, but rEFInd won't succeed to load.

I just checked and the refind.config file is inside the S:EFI/refind/refind

I can't recall where I've got these instructions to install it in Windows, but these are the steps:

  1. Get rEFInd.
  2. Expand the ZIP file, and copy the resulting folder to C:
  3. Open Command Prompt Admin
  4. Enter command line: Mountvol S: /S
  5. In the same terminal move two levels up to C: (cd..)
  6. xcopy /E refind-bin-0.13.2 S:\efi\refind\
  7. S:
  8. cd EFI\refind\refind
  9. rename refind.conf-sample
    Enter command line: refind.conf-sample refind.config
  10. Enter command line:
    bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path\EFI\refind\refind\refind_x64.efi
  11. Done!

Like I said, that's exactly what I did before for the laptop, and other desktop pc without a problem. This desktop pc still does have the necessary files in the right place, and still won't work.

Additionally, I just opened bcdedit in the Command Prompt Terminal and it does show that the REFIND_X64.EFI file is in its correct path: \EFI\REFIND\REFIND\

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated :)