Cable Modem/router + Personal router
My cable company provides a box that is a modem & router. I also use my own router attached to the cable modem.
I have done nothing to the cable box except attach a cable from my router to it.
Do I need to "Bridge" the cable router or can I use the WiFi from it along with the WiFi from my router?
Is there a disadvantage for leaving things as they are or is it a must to provide better service to Bridge the cable router?
I am trying to set up an Asus AI Mesh system between my two Asus 2900 routers to get better house WiFi coverage.
Based on this, will the cable router create any issues?
This has been on my mind as to the route to take with the cable router. I'm asking because under the theory, "If it an't broke, leave it alone", I am not sure that in my case this is still a good theory to follow.
Would appreciate your thinking on this.
Windows 10 Pro Build 19041.1