Office 2019. PowerPoint.
I've built a 29-slide PP presentation and turned it into a times slideshow with slide transitions happening as and when required.
29 silent slides really rather arid!
I just want to add a soundtrack. I position at Slide 1 then
Insert -> Media -> Audio > Aidio on PC -> Select
and there we are: speaker icon and a playbar on the 1st slide. Go to
Audio -> Playback -> Play in Background
and all associated tickboxes are appropriately ticked: Start Automatically TICK Play Across Slides TICK
But it doesn'. Start the slide show. Nothing. Mute.
Is there some final tweak / tick / confirmation I'm missing?
I've visited YouTube. I seem to be doing everything that's necessary.
Thank you!
Edition Windows 10 Pro
Version 21H2
OS build 19044.1682