Windows Setup checks for a specific build version to allow upgrading. The Windows Insider Preview has a higher build number from either Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, so it doesn't pass this check and upgrade is not normally allowed. Sorry to hear that you had to reinstall Windows 7, because there is a workaround! You can cheat by copying all the Windows setup files to a folder like W10SETUP. Then go to folder sources, find file cversion.ini and open it with Notepad. Replace both values with your own build number. To find out which is that press Win+R to open a run dialog and execute the command winver. After you set both values to your build save the file and start setup from the folder where you copied the files. Your Windows version should now qualify for an upgrade! I had a notebook where I installed the Insider Preview for testing purposes. I had installed too many applcations that I didn't want to format and clean install Windows 10 RTM. So I did this trick and it upgraded to Windows 10 Pro final without any issue! I was even able to automatically activate it, legally!