Kep taskbar down when resizing a window at bottom edge of screen?

  1. Posts : 248
    Windows 10 Pro

    Kep taskbar down when resizing a window at bottom edge of screen?

    I need to resize a window by moving my mouse to its lower edge. When I try to do this, the taskbar (set to autohide) comes up and gets in the way. Is there a means to suppress the taskbar temporarily for this operation?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,388
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Not that I know of offhand.. but the question has been asked a good number of times over the years - these are for Win 7 mostly- if you search for Win 8 or Win 10 you may have more recent answers:
    Add delay to auto-hide taskbar - Microsoft Community

    Add a delay time to Taskbar autohide? - Windows 7 Help Forums

    I can also suggest a way to do that e.g. with ALT + right mouse key (or other combinations) which avoids approaching the bottom edge of the window entirely.
      My Computers


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