Computer Freezes when playing games and when not playing games
I've been having this issue for nearly a year now (probably around 9 months). It started after my little sister made me get a virus by her trying to download something onto my laptop. I've since taken it to a reputable computer shop as well as followed instructions from other computer wizs and I think it's no longer there. Issue is, my computer has kind of developed another problem after that. It freezes on it's own sometimes, when I pick it up or even when it's on a desk and immobile. It would also freeze when I play a game sometimes, loud buzzing sound as the game continues in loops I believe. I had BSOD problems earlier this year that was solved (Apparently. I haven't gotten any in about 4-5 months) when I had Windows 7 but this issue still persists.
When it would freeze and I manually turn off my computer and turn it back on, the laptop would sometimes say no wifi could be detected. At all. Not mine, not my neighbors, nothing. I've never really taken it out of the house so I don't know if it'd act the same elsewhere. I would then shut it down and take out the battery for 30 seconds before putting it back in. Sometimes the wifi would work then or I'd go connect it to my Internet Modem and the wifi would start working over there too.
So I'm not sure what's causing this problem. It's not overheating as I had it cleaned less than 4 months ago by a professional. I've had this laptop for two years and I really wanted it to last me at least 4 because I'll be going into an animation program soon and to get a laptop of the same caliber costs $1000+.
Is there anyway I can solve this freezing issue/loss of wifi on my own? I'm thinking of taking it back to the computer shop (they've had a hard time trying to find out what's wrong with it) but I'm sure they'll charge me again and I'm not willing to end up paying a lot to get this fixed. Might as well buy a new one if it costs more than $500 to fix...
P.S. I'm also having issues with my sound card where I'd plug in my headphones and it would work but when I take it out, my laptop would say it's still plugged in. Addtionally, my CD Rom Drive makes a loud sound when I try to skip through CDs and DVDs. Sometimes it won't even skip and just continue making the sound. I don't know how my laptop has gotten to this state as I've taken very good care of it (minus allowing a younger sibling to use it but you live and learn). These issues don't bother me much as I can use a DVD player for my DVD's and the sound issue isn't an issue for me. I don't really care for it since I use headphones 90% of the time or have the sound off.