How can I enable dragging of Maximized windows? Few others..

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    How can I enable dragging of Maximized windows? Few others..

    In windows 7, I could drag maximized windows between monitors without having to resize them. How do I enable this with Windows 10?

    I do not use Windows snap, nor do I want to what-so-ever. Disabling it was the very first thing I had to do before I lost my mind. How frustrating it was.

    Also, is there a way to change the color of the drag area on windows/folders? For example the area where I'd click to drag a firefox window is the same color as everything else. In windows 7, it was blue, while the file/edit and tab areas were grey.

    And finally, is there a way to enable the re-arranging of items on my taskbar, if they are the same program?
    For example if I have 3 firefox windows open (not in tabs), and I want to put them in a certain order on my task bar, is this possible?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Still looking to resolve this =(
      My Computer


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