I have not posted in here for some time. Glad to see the community is growing!
Simple question (I Hope)
I need to find the correct format to display a hotlink to a person's email address amd then add their phone to the same line.
I found some code that was aupposed to work but it always types the linked email data i.e "Persons Name" then goes to the next line to type "Cellular :" xxx-xxx-xxxx" I cannot find any reason for the jump but then i dont really know much about PHP coding.
<a href="mailto:johndoe@anywhere.net? Subject="Any Subject" target="_top">John Doe<a href="Cellular:1-888-888-555-5555">Cellular: 1-888-888-5555</a>
Inserting that line into the current php code Almost was perfect but it displays the John Doe on one line and the
tel:1-888-888-5555 beneath it and I need it about 5 spaces after name on same line.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? or how I can achieve what I need?

PS: Forgot to add that the Subject Field Data does nto display at all on the email when Outlook Opens.