das10 said:
You are right. Oftentimes when tackling anything in life (or Windows! ), it helps to approach a problem from different angles / viewpoints.

Best regards.
In the corporate world, they call it “Brainstorming.” You assemble a group of people of varying professions and experience and ask them to give their thoughts on how a particular problem can be solved.

The big break for this problem came after I posted the flawed PDF text. In Post #19, @MisterEd suggested that I post the flawed PDF. In order to do this, I printed a copy of the flawed PDF and then I scanned it. I then posted the scan – Post #22.

At that point, using text from the scan, @das10 did a search for the original PDF, and he found it. Another participant and I had both tried to find the original PDF by using this method, but we were not successful.

So, Hats Off to @das10 for a “Job Well Done!”

With this Post, I'll mark the problem as Solved!