Hi. I'm running 1903.

For some years I have used a simple program called PC On/Off Time to monitor when my computer has been booted up, put to sleep and shut down. It isn't working correctly anymore after recently recovering my computer which installed 1903.

I contacted the developer and inquired whether or not he has noted this issue. He suggested I open the event viewer to see if these events are being logged. I believe I successfully followed the instructions on this page:
How to See PC Startup And Shutdown History in Windows 10 - Make Tech Easier

When I ordered then scrolled through events I could see events labeled 6005 and 6006 but they were not identified as start or stop events. When I filtered the log for 6005, 6006 specifically, the filter indicated 0 events.

Of note, during the recovery process I did engage the power button when I thought things had stalled out - nothing obvious happened and some time later recovery was completed and haven't noticed any unusual behavior. The only reason I noticed this is because of this light-weight program I like to use, primarily to monitor my personal sleep patterns.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

- - - Updated - - -

Never mind. I just opened the program again for the first time in a couple of days and it is displaying well enough - not the way it should but it works for what I need. It is an old program (pre W10) and it's free so I doubt it will be updated.
Might seek out another solution - thanks for looking. Sorry to take up your time and perhaps a moderator will delete this post if it is deemed irrelevant.