folder full of many jpgs - not a normal folder, but I want it to be

  1. Posts : 30
    Win 10 Pro

    folder full of many jpgs - not a normal folder, but I want it to be

    I have this folder that is a dump of the pictures of my current and last 3 phones, it has something like 13,000 jpgs and pngs. Windows is not treating it as a normal folder, it has things separated out into weird divisions like "yesterday" and "last week" etc. I want it to be a normal folder, that sorts like I would expect any folder to sort. Name, Date, Kind, etc. - how do I get it to be a normal folder?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 30
    Win 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    I think I may have found the answer, thanks though.
      My Computer


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