Can't merge unallocated sections on ssd

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Can't merge unallocated sections on ssd

    I installed a second ssd on my laptop, then partitioned it into 2 parts, a 420gb one and a 50gb one, meaning to install another OS on the 50gb one (ubuntu 18.04). Ubuntu instead ended up creating another 100gb partition off of the 350gb one and successfully installed there. But now I'm left with a 320gb partition and a 50gb one. So I tried deleting the 50gb partition then extending the 350gb one, but got an error message. I then deleted the 350gb one as well hoping the unallocated spaces would be combined into one, but they weren't.
    My current situation:
    Can't merge unallocated sections on ssd-screenshot_1.png
    So I've got 2 unallocated spaces with a partition between them. I then tried creating a new partition in the 320 gb section. In the New Simple Volume Wizard it gives me the option to create a partition with 380gb of space:
    Can't merge unallocated sections on ssd-screenshot_2.png
    But when I go through the menus and click finish it creates a new volume with 320gb of space, and doesn't use the other 50gb.
    Can't merge unallocated sections on ssd-screenshot_3.png
    So then when I try to extend the volume, (by any amount, even 1mb) I get this error message:
    Can't merge unallocated sections on ssd-screenshot_4.png

    Is there some way to fix this and combine the 2 sections into 1 partition, or am I doomed to forever have an extraneous 50gb partition?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    To merge partitions, they need to be next to each other. If there's nothing of importance on that disk I would just delete all the partitions and let Ubuntu make own as it needs to.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there
    don't use "Simple Volume" from within windows.

    Go for a few lines in command mode run as administrator

    List Disk
    convert gpt
    create partition efi size=100
    format quick fs=fat32
    create partition primary
    format quick fs=ntfs
    assign q (or whatever vol letter you want)

    Now you should have a decent ssd with the efi partition right at the beginning (for boot in EFI mode)

    Install UBUNTU now wherever you want

    If you want to create partitions before installing ubuntu download one of the various free partition managers (Minitool / AOMEI etc) and simply choose resize on the current partition.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 15,865

    Assuming you have something you want to keep on the existing partition, just use minitool partition wizard free to move the EFI and primary partition to left so all unallocated space is to right.
      My Computer


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