F22 Simpilot said:
No, Thundercats.

Thundercats opening [HD] - YouTube

And GI Joe.

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero - Theme Song (1983 mini-series) - YouTube

This is why we went to Iraq... LOL

The '80s had some of the best cartoons. And that is because Reagan appointed an FCC chairman that championed market forces.

I did a bit of research as to why most Saturday morning cartoons are gone now-a-days.
ahh ok i thought because you said puppets and was thinking there is no puppets in thudercats but now i see it was a general statement.

Yeah they don't make them like they used to the cartoons now are garbage. I was a 90s kid so i saw much of the 80s stuff too and 90s in general had many good cartoons and shows.