Frozen keyboard/mouse after overnight idle

  1. Posts : 24
    Windows 10

    Frozen keyboard/mouse after overnight idle

    So, long story. Got Logitech G510 keyboard and G600 mouse 10years ago, they still work like a charm. Custom game profiles, LCD screen, etc. Once used to it, hard to go without.

    Anyway, PC is always on, just screens go off after some time. Since 2013 i had this problem that sometimes after moving the mouse or pressing anything on the keyboard to wake screens in the morning, screens wake up, but mouse is not responding to movement or button presses, same with keyboard.
    PC isnt frozen, just not reacting to input devices, plugging in another USB keyboard/mouse doesnt help. Sometimes it happens once a year, sometimes once a month. Now its 99% each morning.

    Now it becomes weird, no input works, not event alt+f4, but G# function keys on the keyboard for some reason work, ctrl+alt+del also works and brings me to log off, restart, switch user, task manager screen. Mouse and keyboard work on that screen.
    Going back to desktop, and they are dead. C+A+D again and trying task manager to kill some program doesnt work since it brings task manager to desktop and nothing works there.
    I suspected some program is the problem, so log off user and relogging as same user works, since it exits and restarts what was running anyway.

    Who better to blame then Logitech Gaming software that controls all custom keys and lightning on devices. So i made a G Function key to kill Logitech.exe and even if everything is dead, that G function key works , kills LGS and i got pc control again. Restart LGS and continue working.

    This persisted some 4-5 pcs, few different windows, completely new hardware. All those PCs had one thing in common, using same keyboard/mouse and Logitech software. So we can be sure who to blame.

    Problem is hard to recreate, it happens when pc sits idle overnight. From barely ever happening (still annoying when it happened), to now each morning screens waking up to dead input device. Tried a few LGS versions over the years, same thing.
    I could live with it happening now and again, but daily is driving me nuts.

    Current pc:
    Asus Strix B550 Gaming + Ryzen 5600 (nothing OCd)
    32gb Corsair LPX ram @ 3200
    Radeon 6700
    SSD + HDD

    Windows is fully updated to Version 22H2 - 19045.2965

    Ideas? Sometimes it happens, now most of the time after latest windows updates. But had that problem long ago, only now its dialed to 11.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,760
    win10 home

    Completely power off the machine and wait for at least one minute before restoring power.
    Restart and see if there are any glitches during the start.
    Check in Device Manager for flags.
    Then look in Reliability History for warning flags and if there are,then ---view tech details---should give searchable information.
    In the Search box,type in ---dxdiag ---and check all pages,in particular the Input ones for any reports.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,092
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894

    1 Does it also happen on another user account? It's worth finding out to help diagnosis even if you have to create a user account for the test.
    2 Is your Bios up to date [assuming your hardware is still supported]?
    3 Are all your hardware drivers up to date [assuming your hardware is still supported]?
    4 Does Device mgr show any yellow warning triangles or an 'Other devices' section [which is a euphemism for no driver installed]?
    Frozen keyboard/mouse after overnight idle-device-manager-warning-signs-icons-other-devices.png
    5 Even though Logitech looks like the culprit, I'd reinstall the display driver just in case the fault is that the driver is preventing the keyboard/mouse actions being shown & acted upon. There is no diagnostic test for a corrupted display driver so reinstallation either fixes a problem or turns out to have been wasted effort.

    All the best,
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 24
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    All drivers/bios is up to date.
    No warnings or errors in any logs. Error is hard to replicate, cause it happens only sometimes after long overnight idle.

    As i said, this problem goes back 10 years, sometime a year with no problem, sometimes each morning. This is my 3rd G600 mouse, so its a repeating issue. All goes back to normal when i kill and restart Logitech software.

    The fact that G function keys work means Logitech software didn't freeze (cause those keys running batch files or commands don't work without the software), just that any input on desktop doesn't work... aside custom keys and control+alt+delete on logoff screen both keyboard and mouse work even if they don't work on desktop.

    On different user issue, pointless to try, over the years with clean windows installs on different hardware, clean users profiles, problem persists.

    Found this problem dating back 10 years with nobody figuring it out. Some people only have the mouse and the software, and still have same problems, so keyboard is hardly to blame.

    Tried different usb ports, tried checking off "allow this device to wake the PC" and "allow the pc to turn off device to save power", tried USB selective suspend setting. Tried plugging in another keyboard/mouse after the input is frozen, doesn't work. Tried keeping another mouse plugged in, thinking maybe its only Logitech devices that are controlled with Logitech software. Same thing, input frozen.

    Old PCs that i retired when new ones came into service, have same old os, everything the same, just no Logitech software loaded on startup or G600 mouse, surprise surprise no input freezes anymore.

    If it was hardware or OS issue then old hardware would have popped up same problem sometimes, but it never did. So narrowing it down, it has to be the Logitech software.
      My Computer


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