Printer Installation

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  1. Posts : 8,039
    Windows 11 Pro 64 bit

    idgat said:
    Is it a Canon printer? From personal experience I know they are a proper PITA in getting the driver software to recognise the printer. I've found (and it might be the case for other printers) that it's best left unconnected until the driver software is partly installed, and asks for the printer to be connected and turned on.
    I have a job today to fix my Canon Pro 100 which is no longer found due to inserting the USB cable in a different port after cleaning the PC. I know from experience I have to uninstall the Canon drivers and the Brother laser printer drivers (including the driver packages), delete the ports concerned then reinstall all again starting with the Canon drivers.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 103
    Thread Starter

    Steve C said:
    I have a job today to fix my Canon Pro 100 which is no longer found due to inserting the USB cable in a different port after cleaning the PC. I know from experience I have to uninstall the Canon drivers and the Brother laser printer drivers (including the driver packages), delete the ports concerned then reinstall all again starting with the Canon drivers.

    Don't ya just love computers?
      My Computer


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