Can Someone Confirm That My Context Menu Is Fubared In Dark Mode?

  1. Posts : 575
    Windows 11 Pro

    Can Someone Confirm That My Context Menu Is Fubared In Dark Mode?

    Starting with build 17735.1000 and continuing through build 17763.1, when I am in Dark Mode the Right Click Context Menu is almost Unreadable. Is this the way it is supposed to be? Light Mode seems to be OK. I have summited Feedback to MS.

    Can Someone Confirm That My Context Menu Is Fubared In Dark Mode?-dark-mode.jpg

    Can Someone Confirm That My Context Menu Is Fubared In Dark Mode?-light-mode.jpg

    Edit: Interestingly enough this seems to be a User Profile issue. I switched to another user and while in Dark Mode the Right Click Context Menu displays properly.

    Can Someone Confirm That My Context Menu Is Fubared In Dark Mode?-dark-mode-psf.jpg

    Michael T
    Last edited by tracit99; 29 Sep 2018 at 23:36.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    win 10

    Mines hosed as well! My laptop is fine tho. This really blows as this is one the key features I was looking forward to.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    win 10


    Just fixed mine, but don't know why it worked.

    I have 2 profiles on there. The other profile worked fine with dark theme, but mine didn't. So I created a new profile without configuring it, logged off, logged back into my original profile, saved a new version of my theme without changes, then reapplied the dark theme and now it works as it should!

    Makes no sense whatsoever . . . But it is a bug. Hope they address it.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 575
    Windows 11 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Update 10-01-2018

    @BlackScout has found a workaround for some of the Dark mode issues that I have faced. You can see his post here.

    At first I thought these issues were caused by something corrupt in my User profile. Now I think that these Dark mode issues are a Windows Themes issue. It appeared to be a User profile issue to me because the User that I switched to was using one of the Windows default Themes.

    For me only the Default Windows Themes allow Dark mode to function as intended. If I use any previous saved Themepack (both areo and areolite) to install a Theme then it breaks Dark mode functionality. I have updated my Feedback to MS.

    Michael T
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    win 10 pro

    tracit99 said:
    Update 10-01-2018

    @BlackScout has found a workaround for some of the Dark mode issues that I have faced. You can see his post here.

    At first I thought these issues were caused by something corrupt in my User profile. Now I think that these Dark mode issues are a Windows Themes issue. It appeared to be a User profile issue to me because the User that I switched to was using one of the Windows default Themes.

    For me only the Default Windows Themes allow Dark mode to function as intended. If I use any previous saved Themepack (both areo and areolite) to install a Theme then it breaks Dark mode functionality. I have updated my Feedback to MS.

    Michael T
    Yes, this was driving me insane - I tried to make changes in the "personalize" window to no avail. Then, a bright idea popped inside my geek brain....I went to MicrosoftStore picked a Theme, applied it and...boooom! Problems solved by problem solver! So, yes tracit99, themes from authors other than Microsoft will give this problem with the context menu readability. And, no need to go complicated and create a new account - like someone reported in this thread. Hope this helps. Cheers! :)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 279
    21H1 (OS Build 19043.1081)

    i'm still having issues with ms office 2010 not being able to save files while in dark mode/hi contrast if i turn it off files save fine ms word and excel and ms even remote into my laptop and could not fix (still waiting on them) for over six months
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 8,039
    Windows 11 Pro 64 bit

    I just noticed this in one user account when trying out dark mode
      My Computers


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