BSOD: "Critical_Process_Died"

  1. Posts : 4

    BSOD: "Critical_Process_Died"

    • 5 year old Toshiba netbook, purchased with Win7 Starter installed
    • was eligible for and did free Win10 install in July
    • has worked fine, up til last Thursday (October 8, 2015)
    • 10/8/15 began crashing, "Critical_Process_Died". Allows me to restart computer, but BSOD's every two hours.
    • taken to Best Buy Geek Squad today (October 13, 2015). Says there's nothing to do for it but re-install original programing; citing age and claims Win7 products don't adapt to Win10 very well.

    I just wanted to know if there actually was something else I could do, considering that if I restore the original (again, win7 starter), not only would I lose what I have, but original is so damn limited there's only so much I could gain back. Also, parents are sure as hell not purchasing a new laptop.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Hi 7with10,

    Welcome to the 10forums.

    Please upload a new zip file, the attached zip file is empty.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 4
    Thread Starter

    Yeah, I don't know what I'm doing wrong; the upload always looks like it's working, but when I go to check it to make sure, the folder is empty. Possible side-symptom of my computer screwing up?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Please try following:
    • Open an admin command prompt
    • Copy/paste "sfc/scannow" (without quotes) and press enter
    • When it finished reboot your system
    • Open again an admin command prompt
    • Enter sfc/scannow again

    If sfc/scannow does NOT say "Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violation" after the second SFC, please upload the cbs.log file located at {windows partition}\Windows\Logs\CBS\, if the file is too large try a 3rd party uploader like dropbox, onedrive, google drive, mediafire etc.
    System File Check(SFC a.k.a. Windows Resource Protection) needs to have your system rebooted in order for sfc to try to fix the problems that it finds.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 4
    Thread Starter

    command prompt open; says "must be admin to run sfc/scannow". I guess it doesn't believe I'm the admin(?). Maybe I should just quit and let it die.(?)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    When opening command prompt, right click on it and choose 'run as administrator', if prompted click yes/ok.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 4
    Thread Starter

    thank you for being patient. I got through the first scan, and my computer was in the process of rebooting when the crash happened again. does that affect the instructions you gave me? I can't get through 2 scans back to back, it BSOD's every hour now.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    It shouldn't affect something.
    Are you able to boot in safe mode to try sfc?
      My Computers


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