BSOD: "Critical_Process_Died"
- 5 year old Toshiba netbook, purchased with Win7 Starter installed
- was eligible for and did free Win10 install in July
- has worked fine, up til last Thursday (October 8, 2015)
- 10/8/15 began crashing, "Critical_Process_Died". Allows me to restart computer, but BSOD's every two hours.
- taken to Best Buy Geek Squad today (October 13, 2015). Says there's nothing to do for it but re-install original programing; citing age and claims Win7 products don't adapt to Win10 very well.
I just wanted to know if there actually was something else I could do, considering that if I restore the original (again, win7 starter), not only would I lose what I have, but original is so damn limited there's only so much I could gain back. Also, parents are sure as hell not purchasing a new laptop.