Hi there. You may want to consider using Ccleaner. Much better cleaner, A lot of members here use it. I would NOT recommend using the Registry cleaner aspect of it, though. Upon install uncheck the Google Chrome if you don't want that.
Latest CCleaner Version Released - Windows 10 Forums
Thanks mate,
I'd already tried cc cleaner with no result, I should have said.
Hmm. You don't get files cleaned in Ccleaner? Have you deselected "Files older than" in it's settings? That's only if you want.
Be aware that if you run it twice in a row you will get a few files for the system is creating them as it runs.
The system normally will do it after 10 days, for major Windows 10 updates.
You may have over-cleaned and stopped what it wants to. You certainly should not be doing that weekly.
It won't delete some Temporary internet files, there are reasons why.
You can do it manually, download WC.bat and run it as admin. It removes files from directories like:
Code:del "%WINDIR%\SoftwareDistribution" /s /f /q del "%WINDIR%\WinSxS\Backup" /s /f /q
Rather that try to work out how to delete them, have you tried to work out what they are for?
3GB is a bit large for a routine update, but it's about the size needed for the upgrade to Creators Update. Are you still on version 1607, the Anniversary Update? Could it be that you are are about to get 1703 the Creators Update? It may be the reason you cannot delete them is becuse the update has not fully downloaded and has yet to be applied.
I agree with Bree there may be a pending update.
What version of Windows are you on? WINKEY + R, WINVER, enter......please post answer.
Some past versions were giving false flags and sizes in Disk Cleanup. To rule that out, and attack from a different angle, run this at Admin Command prompt. Check all the boxes. Do not close the command window until all the taskbar flashing little windows have stopped. This does the same as Disk Cleanup, but a bit deeper.
%SystemRoot%\System32\Cmd.exe /c Cleanmgr /sageset:65535 & Cleanmgr /sagerun:65535
Thanks guys,
I tried the cmd line cleanup and it made no difference - when I re run Win disk clean up the files are still there.
My build is 1703