Clean install after upgrade and now not activated: troubleshooting

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  1. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    SFrav said:
    @alphanumeric I agree that Windows S is too restrictive for many purposes.
    @NavyLCDR I am sure it was windows 7 pro and then upgraded to windows 10 pro. I have a screenshot of the 'about' page (win version, product id ect.) from before I upgraded.
    Unfortunately I don't have the product key attached, and I formatted the recovery partition.

    Can I do anything with my previous product ID? If I speak to Microsoft and give them the product id along with some details that would identify my hardware in their database, would that help?

    Still not activated by just sitting and waiting.
    Again, though, the last version that you posted that you had installed was Windows 10 Pro N. Is that still the version that you have installed?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 11
    Thread Starter

    I spoke to Microsoft tech support. They used ShowKeyPlus to check whether the key was available.

    Apparently the product ID is of no use.

    The final recommendation was to install windows 7 and then upgrade again.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    SFrav said:
    I spoke to Microsoft tech support. They used ShowKeyPlus to check whether the key was available.

    Apparently the product ID is of no use.

    The final recommendation was to install windows 7 and then upgrade again.
    And what are you going to use for a Windows 7 Product Key to activate it with?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 11
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    Again, though, the last version that you posted that you had installed was Windows 10 Pro N. Is that still the version that you have installed?
    No I went back to Windows Pro. ...
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4,594
    Windows 10 Pro

    You don`t have to install W7 again, you can just use your W7 key when you install W10.

    But if you went back to W7 Pro, then good for you :)

    But as brought up already, why did install W10 Pro N ?

    That could have caused your activation error, why didn`t you just install W10 Pro ?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Clean install after upgrade and now not activated: troubleshooting-capture.jpg  
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 11
    Thread Starter

    I have asked Lenovo for a replacement Win 7 key. They seem to have good support, but I am still not optimistic (it's a 5 year old laptop).

    AddRAM said:
    You don`t have to install W7 again, you can just use your W7 key when you install W10.

    But if you went back to W7 Pro, then good for you :)

    But as brought up already, why did install W10 Pro N ?

    That could have caused your activation error, why didn`t you just install W10 Pro ?
    Obviously not a win10pro fan :) Cortana not charming enough?

    At first I installed w10pro and got the activation error then tried the N version.
    I took a screenshot of the 'about' page so know it was win10 pro, but wasn't sure if the N would show up on that page or not. That's why I tried N. Evidently the N does show up on the about page.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 4,594
    Windows 10 Pro

    "Obviously not a win10pro fan :) Cortana not charming enough?"

    Was that question posed at me ?

    I have W10 installed, it works great. Personally I don`t use Cortana.

    I switch ssd`s whenever the mood strikes me, usually once a month to keep things updated.

    Doesn`t the PC have a readable COA with the W7 key ?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Clean install after upgrade and now not activated: troubleshooting-coa-certificate-authenticity.gif  
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 11
    Thread Starter

    AddRAM said:
    "Obviously not a win10pro fan :) Cortana not charming enough?"

    Was that question posed at me ?

    I have W10 installed, it works great. Personally I don`t use Cortana.

    I switch ssd`s whenever the mood strikes me, usually once a month to keep things updated.

    Doesn`t the PC have a readable COA with the W7 key ?
    No readable COA.

    I misinterpreted what you said before. Never mind:)
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 4,594
    Windows 10 Pro

    That`s too bad.

    If you can`t read the key, then you won`t be able to activate W7.

    One quick question, did you upgrade from W7 Pro ?

    I`m assuming you did because you didn`t have any activation issues for a few months, I`m still wondering why it took so long for you to get a message saying you had to re activate windows

    I think you would normally have 30 days to run W10 before an activation issue would arise, but you mentioned several months.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 4,594
    Windows 10 Pro

    NavyLCDR said:
    And what are you going to use for a Windows 7 Product Key to activate it with?
    Excellent question, and one that needs to be answered.
      My Computers


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