MS Update Problem

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  1. Posts : 126
    10 Pro

    MS Update Problem

    I have installed the last update to Windows 10 64bit to give me version 1703.

    The install went as planned and rebooted correctly. For three times installing that update and having a successful reboot, but each time a second reboot was needed the reboot failed.

    The correction for each of these was to reinstall a full backup and then all worked fine until the next time the update wanted to be installed.

    What is happening and what can I do to get off of this circle? I do not think the best course is to avoid that update.

    Any suggestions?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,466
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Could you clarify exactly which update you're referring to? 'the last update' is not necessarily the same for all people.
    1. Not everyone gets the same update at the same time
    2. Some use Insider's builds.

    Are you referring to upgrading to the Creator's build? Or an update of the Creator's build?

    Please give your exact Windows build
    (Windows key + R, winver)

    and post a screenshot of your Update History.


    Note: once you have identified the update you're referring to, have a look at the News section in this forum where you will find a thread per update and you can compare users' experience.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 126
    10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    It is the Creator's build which brings me to 1703. Current build prior to that update is version 1607.

    MS Update Problem-image.pngMS Update Problem-image.png

    Prior to the last time I did the update, I did a backup dated 8/24/17

    Today, I received another request to do that backup which I put it off.

    Hope this gives some help for this problem.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 45,466
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    You will probably have to uninstall Visual Studio. That's one known issue.

    This question has been addressed a number of times here and I would refer you to those threads (like you, I'd have to search for them). They include references to reviewing the relevant logs.

    Basic recommendations are in the yellow section here, and also references to log files
    Upgrade to Windows 10 Windows 10 Installation Upgrade Tutorials

    Note- the blue text is a clickable link - don't miss that.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 126
    10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for your help, I will check that link now. I am not aware that I have Visual Studio. This is a MS app, correct? I looked through my programs and could not find Visual Studio. Definitely a program that I do not use.

    I went through the link which was on Updating to Windows 10. I am in a fresh install which came with my main desktop unit. Did I go to the correct page?
    Last edited by cyclone3211; 28 Aug 2017 at 15:20. Reason: Added Comment
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 45,466
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Visual Studio - your update list suggested you might have this.

    I went through the link which was on Updating to Windows 10. I am in a fresh install which came with my main desktop unit. Did I go to the correct page?
    Not sure I understand this, I'm afraid.

    One common recommendation is to download the iso (using MS's media creation tool) so you can repeat the upgrade attempt manually without the issues and overheads related to downloading it.

    Attempt the upgrade without accepting updates- if you are confident that your PC is compatible.

    Note certain hardware has been known to cause issues- e.g. Broadcom. Your logs (mentioned above) will help identify such issues, but not easily.

    Also post a screenshot of your partitions preferably using Minitool Partition Wizard (free) - expand all columns so all text is visible.
    To post a screenshot please use the Insert Omage icon above your post to the left of the video icon

    Partition issues and lack of free space can also be a problem.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 126
    10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    MiniTool Partition Shot.docx
    I went to that link and it was for upgrading to Win10.

    My current main desktop, which I am using, is a year old and had Win10 Pro 64 bit installed. This device is not an upgrade to Win10.

    The shot of the MiniTool Partition tool is attached , hope it worked okay and is of some help.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 45,466
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, most people here will not open a docx document.
    To post a screenshot please use the Insert Image icon above your post to the left of the video icon
    MS Update Problem-1.jpg
    How to Upload and Post Screenshots and Files at Ten Forums Windows 10 Tutorials

    Like this:
    MS Update Problem-1.jpg

    Have you looked at the logs yet?Have you disabled your AV and disconnected any unnecessary peripherals as per recommendations in the link I posted?

    (The yellow section of the document).

      My Computers

  9. Posts : 126
    10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    I did a google search and found that my problem is that the “black screen appears”. Did not think of that before but after Creator's build installs, all is running. On that 2nd boot or maybe I do not remember if it boots after it is installed and this then would be the 1st reboot.

    When it should have rebooted into windows I have a black screen with the spinning circle but I hear the windows startup sound and some other sounds that I normally hear every time windows boots even prior to the Creator’s build install. The problem is that the screen is black.

    After installing a backup, the same sounds are heard but the screen shows the normal icons. If I repeat that process of rebooting, again all works. There is something in that Creators Build that gives me that “black screen”.

    All my drivers were updated prior to the Win update and tested by doing a reboot after the newer drivers were updated.

    I found a length procedure “Black Screen fix by starting in Safe Mode”. I will attempt to try it after I allow the next request to install the “Creators Build.

    Thank you for the time that you have given to help on this issue. On to the next time of the "Black Screen".
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2,583
    Win 11 x 64 Home on PC and Win 11 Home x 64 on Surface 9

    two probs with updates. One I have yet to see because it refuses to install on my laptop whilst my son was using it ands the second seems to have been an update into my pc where it reset cortana to on, when I have always switched it off. I had to pop back in and repeat Brinks mail notice to insert the off switch from the tutorial.
      My Computer


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