PSWindowsUpdate Powershell Module Not Hiding Specified Updates

  1. Posts : 101
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Build 17763

    PSWindowsUpdate Powershell Module Not Hiding Specified Updates

    Just wondering if there's anybody out there familiar with the PSWindowsUpdate Module that can help me with my problem?

    I simply trying to hide a few update, but no matter what I try the updates remain visible. Here a couple of screenshots describing my problem:

    PSWindowsUpdate Powershell Module Not Hiding Specified Updates-pswindowsupdate-bug.pngPSWindowsUpdate Powershell Module Not Hiding Specified Updates-pswindowsupdate-bug2.png

    As you can see in the screenshots, I am trying to hide all updates with the word "Visio" in the title. It seems to be hiding a couple of the updates, but no all of them. When I type the following command,
    Hide-WUUpdate -Title "Visio" -Confirm:$false
    it still doesn't hide KB3101507. I've also tried doing the following,
    Hide-WUUpdate -KBArticleID KB3101507
    This also fails. No errors of any sort are given.

    Any ideas?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    PSWindowsUpdate works perfectly for me.

    That being said, something I noticed in your screenshots, something I have noticed can occasionally cause it not to hide / show certain updates is how you enter the name or KB number in command. Quotation marks seem to be important, as are asterisks; you should use asterisk character if the string is not found at the very beginning of the update name.

    You could at least try it. Instead of Hide-WUUpdate -Title "Visio" -Confirm:$false, try Hide-WUUpdate -Title "*Visio*" -Confirm:$false. When entering a KB number instead, put it in quotes: Hide-WUUpdate -KBArticleID "KB3101507".

    Not saying this solves your issue, just suggesting that you at least test it.


      My Computer

  3. Posts : 101
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Build 17763
    Thread Starter

    Thanks, Kari. I will test this out later. I know I tried using "*Visio*" and I think it through some sort of error. I will try it again.

    It's weird because it seems to hide some updates, but not all. Using Visio as an example, it hides two of the three listed updates. Wondering if I should try removing the module and re-adding it?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    ahelton said:
    Thanks, Kari. I will test this out later. I know I tried using "*Visio*" and I think it through some sort of error. I will try it again.

    It's weird because it seems to hide some updates, but not all. Using Visio as an example, it hides two of the three listed updates. Wondering if I should try removing the module and re-adding it?
    That is not a bad idea, especially if you have it installed before April 4th when the current updated version was released. IF that's the case you don't even have to remove the old script, just unzip new version to %windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules folder overwriting old files.
      My Computer


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