Stuck during installation of Creators Update

  1. Posts : 19
    Windows 10

    Stuck during installation of Creators Update

    My computer wanted to install the Creators Update so I started the process.
    It started updating but the computer got stuck. The screen is now mainly black with one stationary white dot at the bottom. I think it's one of the spinning dots but the computer got stuck before the other dots appeared. On the top of the screen I can see very dark Windows logo.

    Seems that there should've been Windows logo fading in from black with dots spinning at the bottom but the computer got stuck right at the beginning.

    This has lasted for an hour now. What should I do?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 31,014
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Hi JKAVS

    While not desirable the only thing you can do is power down. Then power on. Hopefully it boots normally. If not you are going to have to enter the Advance Startup Options and "Go Back to a previous build". You will see panel in this tutorial with Red arrow.

    Boot to Advanced Startup Options in Windows 10

    The only problem with this is that it will once again want to install the Update. It maybe successful the second time. although I do not have high confidence in this. I would head to Gigabyte and see what they have posted. Maybe they have a fix, like a BIOS.

    I'm not telling you to update your BIOS, I am saying go to Gigabyte and see.

    Have you backed up your data safely off machine? This should be a priority.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 19
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I tried restarting. This time I got black screen with dots spinning at the bottom forever. Same result after several attempts.
    Then I returned to previous build and the computer works again.

    I checked Gigabyte and found nothing less than two years old for my motherboard.
    What should I do next? Could doing a repair install with latest build work?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 31,014
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Sorry for delay.

    Yes the inplace repair / upgrade could be successful. That said computers tend to repeat.

    Repair Install Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade

    Before I tried this I would create a complete Image backup with a tool like Macrium Reflect.

    Backup and Restore with Macrium Reflect

    It could very well be successful. I had a quick google and didn't see a specific thread with this board. I will continue to look.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 31,014
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Sorry for the additional post.

    What BIOS version are you currently using?

    Could you also specify which Rev of the board you have? Looks like there is three, V1.0, v1.1, v1.2

      My Computer


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