Hard Drive Format during Update
After mega trouble of getting Insider status back after a hard drive replacement, and many hours of help from LCmdr (thank you again sir) I was able to rejoin. My first function of course was to update. While downloading the update and getting my last reboot, the computer came on, all I got was HP warnings telling me I did not have an Operating System and I should install one. NOTE: Once the update had started I did not touch the computer till I saw the HP warning.
Now I remember Einstein saying something like "anyone who keeps doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is an idiot". Well apparently our friendly techs at HP in India had never heard the expression. They sent me two different restore disks by email (I had one already) which took hours to burn to a thumb drive. We then waltzed thru the next 70 hours doing the same thing over and over and over again. I finally gave up and hung up, with no result from their restore disks.
I finally called the place I purchased the computer and told them of my situation. The told me to bring it in. They restored my computer in about four hours with software I believe they said they got from HP.
My question is how can a vendor have restore software from HP and their own technicians have no access to it ?