Creators Update downloaded, can't restart or shut down computer

  1. Posts : 24
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro

    Creators Update downloaded, can't restart or shut down computer

    So, Windows messed up big time. I checked the "Defer Feature Upgrades" option when I reverted back to Anniversary Update, and it STILL downloaded Creators Update! I have other important upgrades as well, but now I can't install those, cause it will install Creators Build as well, in fact, I can't even shut down or restart the laptop! I am so done with Windows Update!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,715
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, Defer feature updates will only delay this- defer is not the same as stop/prevent as I'm sure you know. You can read more about this on the internet and in the screenshots below.

    I'm still on the Anniversary build, Pro, Defer Feature Updates set.

    Recently I was offered the Creator's build, which I don't presently want. What made it easy to deal with this was this setting:
    Creators Update downloaded, can't restart or shut down computer-notify-download.jpg
    - I get a notification- but nothing is downloaded.

    I then changed this setting:
    Creators Update downloaded, can't restart or shut down computer-cbb-180-days.jpg

    In your case, I suggest you consider those and deleting the content of

      My Computers


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