It's sure to let Windows update to update drivers?

  1. Posts : 189
    Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

    It's sure to let Windows update to update drivers?


    maybe I am too old for trust, but in my Windows 10 computer I always DISABLE the automatic driver update.

    I will always disable it, even if I understood that is safe.

    What I am asking here is about the manual driver update that you can reach by the "device managment" menu, right-click, update.

    I.e.: I want to update my wifi adapter (in my case is bluetooth and wifi together). I am aware that my version is old and in the website of the manufactorer is newer. It is safe to update directly from Windows 10 device managment, or it's better to download from their website?

    I am nothing agaist download drivers from manufactorers but sometimes in their website is a little tricky to understand the correct driver while in Windows 10 maybe it is more easy.

    What do you do generally?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,462
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Personally I let whatever happens happen. My PC is a year old.

    Some people have problems with certain hardware and the Creator's build - or have a PC that needs an older driver, or something different to what MS supplies.

    Manually upgrading can lead to problems rather than waiting for the upgrade to a new build arrive.

    It's an individual thing. If you find you have problems, then take action. Otherwise leave well alone.
      My Computers


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