Should I be concerned now? AU update arrived :(
New member with a question :)
Having owned this fantastic HP Envy Windows 10 notebook for a couple of weeks I am really impressed with Windows 10 ...
Just noticed that Windows 10 "AU" 1607 is ready to install... .Should I be worried now
I know forums only show bad experiences but I really do hope all goes well... Couple questions..
If it say's "waiting to install" does that mean it has already downloaded to my notebook?
It will do this when I am not using it, so I presume when it is in the "Windows 10 "OFF" state" overnight does that mean it will install it then, and I will wake up to the "configuring update" screen?
Must say Windows updates have never worried me, but for some reason this does Lol ..
I have noticed a lot of issues with Windows 10 seem to be notebooks that have been upgraded from a past Windows version rather than "out of the box" notebooks, does that seem correct?
Oh well here goes
See what tomorrow morning brings ... I suppose doing the install when it is in the "off" state may be better than clicking install now whilst everything is on and running? does that sound right?
Well it did not install anything in the 12 hours it was off overnight... When does Windows 10 decide to install the updates when not in use? I had hoped that it would have done it last night but both updates still show as waiting to install...
I am tooooooooo scared to press "install now" Lol ...
I know I did have one of the other updates showing and that did install overnight when I was not using it..
I always use "shut down" so the notebook in the fast boot state of shut down