Update 19405

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  1. Posts : 10,311
    Wndows 10 Pro x64 release preview channel

    Mystere said:
    A hard shutdown isn't needed. MS documented in the Known Issues that you could use the Alt-X menu to shutdown. There are also several other options to shutdown (such as the shutdown command prompt command).
    For me that still isn't acceptable even for a Fast Ring build.

    What next. An OS that won't boot due to a known bug
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,842
    Windows 10

    - Press physical Power Button (momentarily)
    - Ctrl/Alt/Del - Shutdown
    - WinKey+L - Power - Shutdown
    - shutdown.exe
    - SlidetoShutdown.exe
    - objshell.ShutdownWindows
    - WinX - Shutdown
    - shutdown -s command prompt
      My Computer


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