Update problem

  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 10

    Update problem

    On 8/8/2016 Microsoft Windows 10 did an update on my Acer Laptop and my Desktop. Since then neither my Wireless mouse, (on both machines), the wireless keyboard on the desktop and the keyboard on the laptop will not work on Internet Explorer. They both work in all other programs. How can this be fixed?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 460
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Maybe a reboot will fix it, my laptop didn't have all icons in the taskbar and the start button was non responsive. I rebooted it and all came up like it should, also you might check in Settings > Devices, and Control Panel > Mouse to see if anything's there.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    jdgeorge said:
    On 8/8/2016 Microsoft Windows 10 did an update on my Acer Laptop and my Desktop. Since then neither my Wireless mouse, (on both machines), the wireless keyboard on the desktop and the keyboard on the laptop will not work on Internet Explorer. They both work in all other programs. How can this be fixed?
    I Rebooted and it did the same thing, Fortunately I have access to a win 7 computer to use Internet Explorer. My browser is igHome, It worked before the update. Any more suggestions about how the fix this problem?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    CmmTch said:
    Maybe a reboot will fix it, my laptop didn't have all icons in the taskbar and the start button was non responsive. I rebooted it and all came up like it should, also you might check in Settings > Devices, and Control Panel > Mouse to see if anything's there.

    I Rebooted and it did the same thing, Fortunately I have access to a win 7 computer to use Internet Explorer. My browser is igHome, It worked before the update. Any more suggestions about how the fix this problem?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 460
    Windows 10 Home x64

    I have no idea what might be going on jdgeorge, the way I understand it, while you're using IE is the only time your wireless mouse and keyboard don't work, and they work other times when not using IE. Here's a couple things I might try if it happened to me.

    First thing might be to uninstall those updates that were installed on 8-8 and see if that clears the problem. It's probably the easiest and least intrusive thing to do to start, I don't think it will download those updates again until the normal Tuesday update. And there may be a fix by then.

    Last fall WU downloaded a video adapter driver the messed up my video, rolled back to the previous driver and it fixed the problem. In the updates since that time I haven't had any more problems with it, maybe there was an updated driver from WU, I'm not sure.

    You could try opening Settings > Update and security > Windows Update > Advanced Options, and uncheck "Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows" I don't know what exactly caused the problem but it could be a driver that was downloaded and installed, it could be another unrelated update from that time.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thank you for your input. I installed Chrome and the problem is no longer there. I like Internet Explorer but I have wasted too much time trying to fix it. maybe some one will come up with a fix.

      My Computer


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