Windows Updates fail to install an already installed update error???

  1. Posts : 22
    Windows 10 Home

    Windows Updates fail to install an already installed update error???

    I had already installed, successfully I might add, a Definitions update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB3115321). The Update already installed and now it keeps coming up with the same error unable to install update:
    Definition Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB3115321) 32-Bit Edition - Error 0x80070643
    I tried uninstalling the installed update and Windows won't do it returning an "Unspecified error" response. I have Windows 10 Home (32bit) installed and I cannot find a way to get Update, as you used to be able do, to HIDE the offending update. (THANKS Microsoft for removing functionality from Windows YET AGAIN).
    I'm at my wits end with this. . I have asked about this problem before directly reporting the issue to Microsoft (Surprise surprise... NO RESPONSE. I'd get a better response from a brick wall). Seriously not happy; considering cutting my losses and reverting (AS I STILL HAVE MY INSTALL DISCS) to Windows 7 or moving to Linux. Way to go to p**s off users!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22
    Windows 10 Home
    Thread Starter

    Problem solved. Used the Microsoft Show/Hide Updates Troubleshooter tool. Why did I have to go looking for this? This is a useful part of Windows functionality... What were they thinking of removing it. then hiding the tool? (Rhetorical questions; I know why. Thank you Nanny Microsoft, but I'm a better programmer than most of your shiftless lot)
      My Computer


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