W10 activation servers down?

  1. Posts : 122
    Windows 10

    W10 activation servers down?

    Is it over? I'm getting a server down message when trying to activate W10. Anyone know what time Microsoft is supposed to pull the plug on the free update? Anyone else having this problem?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 122
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Got it to work. Must have been down for a while......
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15,866

    Probably just overloaded - same happened with W10 first came out.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,254
    Windows 10 Pro

    Downloading and activating Windows 10 is going to be problematic for many people and it will only get worse in the final hours. There will be a limit on simultaneous connections and to many it will appear the servers are down. Downloading and activation will still work after the deadline, you will just have to have a purchased key.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    WINDOWS 10

    lmiller7 said:
    ....downloading and activation will still work after the deadline, you will just have to have a purchased key.
    obvoius who!
      My Computer


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