Question on Auto updates

  1. Posts : 12
    windows 8.1

    Question on Auto updates

    On Windows 10 Home. Important updates are automatically downloaded and installed, I get that. What I don`t get is does it work the same as when maintenance is running ( if I`m using pc it will suspend and resume when idle ) or will updates be dl/ installed when pc is powered on and continue until finished?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,641
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    Look in Start, Settings and Update and Security, will give some information about it and let you make some changes. The last several [that I can recall] had any required Restart scheduled for 3AM but also had a button to Restart now. I've not yet had Updates interfere with what I was doing but that does not apply to third-party software such as an antivirus, etc.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 12
    windows 8.1
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the quick response Berton. Upgraded from 8.1 to 10 less than a week ago, all went well. UI is very familiar, mostly. The whole update scenario is a bit less informative though, a lot less control over it and I accept that. Let me put it like this, I come home from work, power up pc, check e-mails look at the news etc. then want to use some system/ network hungry application/ game. Will Win 10 keep auto dl/ installing important updates while I`m using such apps/ game.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 14,641
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    You're welcome. I am quite satisfied with Win10 versus Win8.1. I am using the ability to delete or remove Tiles and using Pin to Start then dragging the Tiles around as I need, makes things better. Because the Most Used list is dynamic I Pinned the programs to Start then at the top of the Tiles [2 bars on the right side by the vertical scrollbar show up when pointer moved to there] I created a category called Most Used - Pinned and moved the Tiles to there. Easy to click Start then a Tile and on with the work.
      My Computers


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