KB3022827 Failure
Tried this update twice, both failed. Security for IE. Anybody have success/failure? Build 9879
Tried this update twice, both failed. Security for IE. Anybody have success/failure? Build 9879
What was the error? I ended up having restoring an older snapshot from backup before I could successfully install this patch.
The error is listed as "Error Code 80070005'
Same I got. I ended up having to roll back (to a backup). After the restore it successfullyt installed .
I read "somewhere" that uninstalling all other updates from that bunch and installing that one KB first worked.
Sorry, no link but that's all there was to it, uninstall all updates from last Tuesday's batch, install the problem KB first and I assume a reboot afterwards.
Here it is but might be a different issue: This Windows 10 Update Could Really Give You a Headache
Encountered the same problem with KB3022827 -- but also with KB3020114. Both failed, on both install attempts. WU is prompting to do the updates again.
I also have Office 2013 installed -- but I'm not going to uninstall and reinstall it if that's what it takes to get these updates to work.
Also, I tried to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter but clicking it does nothing. So, I saved the file -- WindowsUpdateDiagnostic_diagcab. But, I don't know what app to open it with to get it to run. Anyone able to help on that?
UPDATE: since I have a working backup ... uninstalled Office 2013 and tried again. 22827 failed again -- 80070005. This error indicates an update is in progress, and when I right-clicked on the start "button", I saw "Update and restart" -- so I selected that. PC restarted and appeared to do the update -- again. When I restarted and checked Windows Update -- failed again - 80070005. Checked the Start button -- Update and restart is still there. So, removing Office 2013 does not fix this, and it appears now to be in a permanent update fail loop.
Also retried KB3020114 and it failed again -- 80070005 also.
So, I'm going to restore one more time and hide these updates. Maybe eventually, MS will get these right.
Last edited by Mark Phelps; 14 Dec 2014 at 15:08.