Getting all the updates till date at a time

  1. Posts : 32
    Windows 10

    Getting all the updates till date at a time

    I want to do a fresh install windows10 in my laptop. After completion of the fresh installation, it will update all its updates till date which will take much time to complete. Also it will cost for data. I would like to get all the updates to install it offline. Is it possible?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 56
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Try turning off your router. I've used that many times.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 609

    Turning of your router is not what I would do.

    Microsoft from time to time updates the release version. That means, if you update to Windows 10 by getting it from the net, you have good chances that what you get is rather new. Currently for example you do no longer get what Microsoft released as "final" version on July 29th, but you get a version with the first updates already included in it.

    With future releases, chances are that Microsoft will again update the release version so that if you then download it, you again get the current version, which will be newer than the one you are getting right now.

    Using the Media Creation Tool is a way to get this newest version. Note however that redownloading the complete Windows image this way will consume way more bandwidth than you would need for the download of only the later updates.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 32
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Can I only have updates file time to time to install it offline?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 609

    It in fact is possible to download the Cumulative Updates from a Microsoft server and then to install them manually. However, is it really worth the hassle? Just let Windows Update do its job and it's fine. Nothing to do, nothing to worry about.

    If you are concerned about transmission costs, then you should set your network connection to be "metered" - Windows will then not download updates over it. However, that way your computer will not get the latest security updates. It will then download them when you use a connection, which you have not set as "metered", maybe in a public WLAN or so.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 32
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the clarification...
      My Computer


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