KB3097617 Update Bug + KB2267602

  1. Posts : 1,079
    10 + Linux

    KB3097617 Update Bug + KB2267602 (1.207.2189.0)

    I'm not able to complete the installation of the KB3097617 file (since 5 days). Try manual installation like suggested here:

    How to Fix Windows 10 Cumulative Update KB3097617 Installation Issues - Softpedia

    Did not work. The problem occurs on restart.

    Got the same issue with KB2267602 but it was solved by Windows after several attempts. Will try like suggested in the link above to disable Defender...

    Edit: KB2267602 (1.207.2189.0) Was never able to installed that file. Ubuntu or Grub is not the source of the bug.
    Last edited by MikeMecanic; 19 Oct 2015 at 14:06.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,079
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    Second Manual Attempt (KB3097617) and Second Bug

    I turn off Defender but it didn't work. Restart 3 times to complete the cycle: We couldn't complete the updates/Undoing changes/Don't turn off your computer/Seen twice.
    I can tell if Defender cause the update bug because on boot-up Defender remains enable?

    This bug comes with a second bug: Windows Ten is ain't shutting down anymore. I'm in a no end loop and I have to turn off fast start up to shut down.

    The shut down issue appears with the KB3097617 bug (same day)
    . Also, disabling fast start up is ain't memorized by 10240, it goes back to enable after a wild.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails KB3097617 Update Bug + KB2267602-kb3097617_file.png  
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 20
    Windows 10

    I have the same problem.
    Tried to scan the system and do a manual installation and still doesn't work.
    It tries to install, then do a restart and then uninstall the update again at boot.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,079
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    Third manual attempt: Shut down instead off restart

    I'm still at the same point: Not able to complete the cycle (shut down or restart), I got the same message.
    We couldn't complete the updates/Undoing changes/Don't turn off your computer/Seen twice.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,079
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    Just made a clean install of 10240 and all the issues regarding Windows Updates are solved.

    Thanks for adding Use Small Taskbar buttons: Looks more like HD quality now.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails KB3097617 Update Bug + KB2267602-clean_install_result_10-24th.png  
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4
    WINDOWS 10

    MikeMecanic said:
    Just made a clean install of 10240 and all the issues regarding Windows Updates are solved.

    Thanks for adding Use Small Taskbar buttons: Looks more like HD quality now.

    can you elaborate on that? how do i clean install? and will it cause any product key problems or make me lose my files?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,079
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    Win Ten Clean Install

    Clean install 10240 takes about 15 minutes with a 3.0 USB stick.. You must build an ISO image of 10240 Pro or Home = Windows installer. Ounce you succeed the USB stick contains 11 files. Then change the boot sequence on legacy mode: Choose the USB stick to boot with.

    On a HP computer you reach the BIOS by continuously pressing F10 when you restart. Or F9 to go directly in the boot sequence without passing by the BIOS (legacy). Ounce you changed the boot sequence, press enter to load the USB stick and never ever press enter after. There is no need to disable fast start up if your in front of the computer to press enter (you have 3 to 5 seconds to do so). Otherwise, Windows will boot normally.

    For UEFI, you must disable Secure Boot first and then changed the boot sequence. If you already upgrade to Win 10 you'll never loose your activation. You'll just get a new hardware hash number.

    You can download the ISO file at this MS web site below. Then install Rufus 2.4 to build an ISO image. Change the boot sequence and follow the process. At the beginning of the installation, you must delete partitions and it should end with one single NTSF partition about the size of your hard drive minus around 50GB. Skip (or do this later) the product key every time your ask.

    If you don't know how to reach the BIOS, Google search the manufacturer (model) of your PC: How to reach the BIOS in an HP desktop or laptop for example. How to disable Secure Boot on an HP computer.

    Windows 10

    This web site will recognize that your run the Home, Pro or Enterprise version. The file is about 3.7GB.
    Good luck!


    P.S. Don't forget to backup important stuff because you will loose it. Also, near the end you have to choose between Express Settings or Customize Settings. Choose Customize Settings to achieve stability and disable (turn them off) all switches except the last at the bottom of the second page (send errors to MS). Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet so that you receive Critical Updates near the end. If you have other questions, don't be shy.

    Last edited by MikeMecanic; 26 Oct 2015 at 10:24.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,079
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    Win Ten Clean Install: ISO Image Result and Setup

    On the left side of the screenshot, you see the correct result under File Explorer (11 files). On the other side, you see how to set Rufus 2.4. Feel free to rename the flash drive under New Volume Label.

    If your not able to choose NTSF, keep it to FAT 32 (default) because it will be NTSF anyway. Get the ISO file in the Download Folder and press start. You must have an empty USB stick because the content will be erased.

    Get Rufus 2.4 there. Read the content of the page for further instructions:
    Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way

    Ounce you succeed to clean install Win Ten, there are other settings to do to achieve stability on post installation. We can discuss them later.

    All the best,
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails KB3097617 Update Bug + KB2267602-rufus2.4_result_setup.png  
    Last edited by MikeMecanic; 26 Oct 2015 at 12:43.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 4
    WINDOWS 10

    thank you for your detailed response...i was hoping it wasn't a reformat cause its a hassle to backup and re-install..
    anyway, i think i'll just live with being unable to update for now. until there is a major change to win10 that i really want then i'll clean install.
      My Computer


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