Windows Update is corrupt

  1. Posts : 30
    Windows 10 64-Bit

    Windows Update is corrupt

    Hi all,
    My windows update was working fine until recently it became stuck on 0% for a bunch of updates while downloading. I've tried many things to resolve this:
    - Tried stopping and restarting the windows update service, but the service remains stuck on 'stopping' so I have to force kill it in cmd prompt then restart it
    - Emptied the downloads folder in software distribution
    - Ran the Windows Update troubleshooter tool, which says 'service registration is missing or corrupt'

    I'm assuming my Windows Update service has become corrupt somehow, is there any way in which I can solve this?

    Thank you in advance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,546
    Windows 10 Pro x64 RS 10586.586
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 30
    Windows 10 64-Bit
    Thread Starter

    Cluster Head said:
    Thanks for the quick reply mate, I've tried Method 2, but when cmd tries stopping wuauserv, it just says 'stopping.....' but doesn't stop the service.
    Should I try the registry edit method?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,546
    Windows 10 Pro x64 RS 10586.586

    ....but when cmd tries stopping wuauserv, it just says 'stopping.....' but doesn't stop the service.
    It`s a known issue......!

    Should I try the registry edit method?
    Yes! :)
      My Computer


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