HOW can I control windows update process.

  1. Posts : 16
    windiws 10

    HOW can I control windows update process.

    Windows sometimes update at unopportune or bad times.. Example: Today I was backing up files and the processed stopped for a noticible time. I could not restart the process or shut the process down so I tried to restart the computer and that would not work so I had to turn off the computer to restart it. Problem was that the computer was in the middle of downloading and installing updates without my knowledge. It took awhile for the installing to complete.
    Is there a way to control this process.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 24
    win 8.1

    If you are using wifi you can switch to "metered connection" and have more control. I don't know of anything if you are on a wired network.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17
    Windows 10

    You use the Group Policy Editor to disable automatic updates. You'll see a popup when updates are available. You'll have to click ok and it will take you to the tool, but it's up to you if you want to begin the process
      My Computer


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