Notification: Can't install updates. Select this message to fix. What?

  1. Posts : 928
    Windows 10 x64

    Notification: Can't install updates. Select this message to fix. What?

    Windows shows Can't install updates. Select this message to fix.

    Is there a way to figure out what Windows will be fixing should I decide to 'fix' it?


    Notification: Can't install updates. Select this message to fix. What?-capture-08102015-072752.png
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,546
    Windows 10 Pro x64 RS 10586.586


    I found only this from Microsoft:
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 928
    Windows 10 x64
    Thread Starter

    Thanks. When doing a search for just "Can't install updates." here on Tenforums, a lot of hits show up, but I haven't found 1 solution as to _what_ exactly cannot be installed. Maybe, when 'fixing' this via Windows, I may be installing something I don't want.

    At best there is a workaround by from TairikuOkami in the thread "Choose when to install updates? " see Choose when to install updates? - Windows 10 Forums
    A similar search but "Choose what to install' = no hits.

    I think Microsoft needs to improve that part and at least add name of developer and product description.
      My Computer


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