Windows 10 Optional Updates not downloading/showing

  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

    Windows 10 Optional Updates not downloading/showing

    Windows 10 Optional Updates not downloading/showing-untitled.png

    I've been facing this issue lately on this new OS.
    Previously on W7 & W8 the updates categorized into 2 column (Important & Optional) where we can select the updates individually and download/install. This way I can get some optional drivers for memory card, printers & etc.

    I couldn't find this option in W10. I choose to ignore it but my antivirus keep notifying me that optional downloads are available. I did click the "Run System Updates" but it navigates to System > Update & Security > Message and shows "System is up to date".

    Sometimes it only updates the critical updates. The rest (Recommended & Optional) ignored/not notified on windows updates.
    Anyone facing this issue? Able to solve? Please help.
    Last edited by samjo511; 02 Nov 2015 at 21:00.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1
    windows 10

    Having this same concern. I too am using ESET Smart Sec. I just wish the Windows update was the same back then in windows 7 where you can see recommended/optional updates for drivers.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    Windows 10 64 bit

    axysjr said:
    Having this same concern. I too am using ESET Smart Sec. I just wish the Windows update was the same back then in windows 7 where you can see recommended/optional updates for drivers.
    Anyone resolve this as I have the same issue? Eset 9 advised of a whole host of optional drivers updates but Windows update says I'm up-to-date and I can't find the optional updates anywhere unlike W7/8.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4
    Windows 10

    I'm pretty sure no one on this forum can help. I posted about this exact issue a couple of weeks ago and the only response I got advised me to use a third party tool, which is hardly ideal. Think I might just go and use the technet forums instead.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 135,084
    Windows 11 Pro (x64) 24H2 Build 26100.2605

    Just go to the maker of your laptop or desktop and check for updates their. If you are having no problems with your Windows 10 then I don't see why you would want to look for drivers anyhow. Installing a driver which windows is reporting as the latest could affect how your OS runs. Also could cause serious problems. But that's your choice. :)
      My Computers


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