Interuption from Big Dictator

  1. Posts : 49

    Interuption from Big Dictator

    Just happen 5 min ago,I was in the middle of PC game when screen goes blue and "WIN found some error" and must restart pops up.I'm sure it was Malicious Software Remover update.Question is how Win 10 Pro can't recognize you're in the middle of something.All setting not to auto restart or update doesn't work,they are just being ignored.What a dictator and mean machine became my PC, I'm getting scared what's ahead of us.

    After 10 min another break up and restart,my guess is installation wasn't successful at first restart.In any case I'm now only PC user and no more PC owner.Going back to Win 8/8.1.Not having control over updates and restart makes me sick.
    Last edited by rudolfo2; 01 Oct 2015 at 04:37.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    You can choose how the updates are installed, I have set it to "Notify to schedule restart".
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    Windows Update does not say Windows found an error. You obviouslyy had some other problem. As @CountMike said, you can schedule updates if you change the settings.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 49
    Thread Starter

    Sorry,tried everything,maybe over done it with gpedit.msc but NO. Double restart happened 1 month back with other update.I have no timer to schedule restart,it's gone and my updates are managed by my organization { whatever that is }. Going back to 8.1.
      My Computer


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