Activation after new hardware upgrades?

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  1. Posts : 109
    Win 10 Pro 64x 1809

    NavyLCDR said:
    Why would we think you tried that route? What you posted was:
    "So when I installed the new board and a clean install of 10."

    Now you say you tried installing and activating Windows 7 - and if that is the case, the question remains, which method did you attempt to activate it with? Several of us have Windows 7 product keys that will not activate automatically over the internet and we must use the phone number, we get transferred to a computer voice that asks, "How many computers do you have installed with this copy of Windows" and we answer "one" and activation proceeds.
    My post was a statement not a cry for help. So please keep your replies in keeping with what was said. You my think you have all the answers but, I find your comments argumentative.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 3,453

    no1yak said:
    My post was a statement not a cry for help. So please keep your replies in keeping with what was said. You my think you have all the answers but, I find your comments argumentative.
    Either way, MS support should be held accountable for misinforming you and prompting your purchase of a new key.
    Retail keys come at a premium due to expected (proper) support, we should exercise that right.

    BTW: This too is a statement (after seeing too many posts of poor MS support), not aimed at you per se, but a general concern.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    no1yak said:
    My post was a statement not a cry for help. So please keep your replies in keeping with what was said. You my think you have all the answers but, I find your comments argumentative.
    I can understand bring touchy after allowing oneself to be taken advantage of by a phone support person. The reason we post replies such as did you try phone activation and did you check your product key with showkey is so that others can become aware of these alternatives and not get taken advantage of as you claim to have been.
      My Computer


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