Windows 10 activation problem after factory reset. Error 0xC004C003

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  1. Posts : 22
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    There were some cases during the timeframe that Microsoft was having problems with their activation servers when they seemed to lose the stored activation information and people doing subsequent clean installs could not get an activation until they went back and did another upgrade. Paawan, about all you can do at this point is go back to Windows 8.1, make sure it is activated, and do another upgrade. This time make sure to just do an upgrade - leave applications and user accounts/data in place. Check to make sure the Windows 10 resulting from the upgrade is activated. Then you are supposed to be able to do a clean install, skip entering the product code, and have it activated. I've done three or four clean installs and it has always worked for me, so far, after a fully activated upgrade from various versions of Windows 7 and 8/8.1.

    Or purchase a Windows 10 Product Key, or beg Microsoft for an activation code/Product Key.
    OK I'll try it again and let you know how it goes. Since my connection is very slow is there any way I can use the dvd to do the thing you mentioned. I mean can I somehow do it without having to download the 3 GB thing again?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22
    Windows 10
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    Word Man said:
    You won't get a clean install activated (via the free upgrade) unless you have done a successfully activated free upgrade first - in that activation should be the first time that MS activation servers record a unique "thumbprint" (specific hardware ID hash for the various components) for your machine and provide activation for that machine. From then on out, the MS activation server can identify your machine as having already been activated when you do the clean install.
    Ok I get it. Just one more thing if supposing the upgrade had been activated earlier would it cause any problem on upgrading again? Like are you sure the key would not be blocked since it would be the second time I would be upgrading?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,579
    Windows 10 Pro

    Paawan said:
    Ok I get it. Just one more thing if supposing the upgrade had been activated earlier would it cause any problem on upgrading again? Like are you sure the key would not be blocked since it would be the second time I would be upgrading?
    As long as the machine recorded on the MS activation server has had no major change in its components - this usually means just the motherboard (even that COULD be approved by calling MS) - the Win10 activation is good for the life of the machine. This means you can do the clean install as many times as you need and, yes, repeat the upgrade process as many times as you like. In fact, repeating an "in-place" upgrade is a way to reverse any problematic changes you may have made to the Win10 install that you come to regret.

    If you reinstall Win 8.1, then that would still have to be activated by it's own pre-existing method before you go on to a repeat upgrade of Win10 - in that case, I'm not aware of any reason MS would block Win10 activation, even though it may have recorded an identical machine ID in the past. Your Win 8.1 license has not been revoked and (up until July 2016) the free Win10 upgrade offer still stands.

    After July 2016, I don't believe you can repeat the Win 8.1 install/activation and then upgrade to WIn10 without having to buy a license - what kind of deal MS will offer at that point, I haven't found any information on.

    You might consider capturing images of the system with freshly installed and activated Win 8.1 and same for Win10 with a good 3rd party program like Macrium Reflect Free if you have external storage available. That can secure the installs and data for any back and forth you end up doing.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    admicsoft said:
    May be you need more information regarding win8.1 key or win10 key, could you contact me ? or add my skype dedy.dela
    No, I don't need any more information, thank you for the offer.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 22
    Windows 10
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    Word Man said:
    As long as the machine recorded on the MS activation server has had no major change in its components - this usually means just the motherboard (even that COULD be approved by calling MS) - the Win10 activation is good for the life of the machine. This means you can do the clean install as many times as you need and, yes, repeat the upgrade process as many times as you like. In fact, repeating an "in-place" upgrade is a way to reverse any problematic changes you may have made to the Win10 install that you come to regret.

    If you reinstall Win 8.1, then that would still have to be activated by it's own pre-existing method before you go on to a repeat upgrade of Win10 - in that case, I'm not aware of any reason MS would block Win10 activation, even though it may have recorded an identical machine ID in the past. Your Win 8.1 license has not been revoked and (up until July 2016) the free Win10 upgrade offer still stands.

    After July 2016, I don't believe you can repeat the Win 8.1 install/activation and then upgrade to WIn10 without having to buy a license - what kind of deal MS will offer at that point, I haven't found any information on.

    You might consider capturing images of the system with freshly installed and activated Win 8.1 and same for Win10 with a good 3rd party program like Macrium Reflect Free if you have external storage available. That can secure the installs and data for any back and forth you end up doing.
    So can you again just confirm what I have to do now.
    Do a factory reset to windows 8.1 and confirm that its activated. Upgrade normally. Confirm win 10 is activated. Then do a clean install from win 10 only.
    Is there any method in which I dont have to download the 3 GB file again and somehow I can use the dvd to do the upgrade?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    Paawan said:
    So can you again just confirm what I have to do now.
    Do a factory reset to windows 8.1 and confirm that its activated. Upgrade normally. Confirm win 10 is activated. Then do a clean install from win 10 only.
    Is there any method in which I dont have to download the 3 GB file again and somehow I can use the dvd to do the upgrade?
    Just put the Windows 10 DVD in and run setup.exe from it to do the upgrade. Just make sure it is the correct version of Windows 10.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 22
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    Just put the Windows 10 DVD in and run setup.exe from it to do the upgrade. Just make sure it is the correct version of Windows 10.
    After going back to 8.1 and making sure it is activated?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    Paawan said:
    After going back to 8.1 and making sure it is activated?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 22
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    It is not letting me do a upgrade the upgrade option is asking for a product key and I am not able to skip the step. It is only allowing me to skip the product key step in the clean install option.
    What should I do now?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    Paawan said:
    It is not letting me do a upgrade the upgrade option is asking for a product key and I am not able to skip the step. It is only allowing me to skip the product key step in the clean install option.
    What should I do now?
    You are trying to upgrade to the wrong version of Windows 10. You will have to download the version that matches your Window 8.1
      My Computer


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